Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Spine control rig

Happy New Year! Sorry it's taken a while to get the first post of 2011 out of the door. I started writing this ages ago but work, family and post holiday blues have conspired against me. Anyway...

In this post I'm going to cover how to set up a spine control system. This does include squash & stretch functionality, but in the interests of getting this out I'm going to cover how to add this to it in the next post.

(Update) You can find this here

The core of it consists of a NURBS surface with ik joints controlled via groups attached to the surface using pointOnSurfaceInfo nodes. The surface is deformed by clusters which in turn are driven by controllers. If you're not familiar with uv (texture) coordinates it's worth reading up on this first, I'm not going to go into it here as there is plenty of information kicking around on the subject.
First off, duplicate the spine joints out and prefix them with the string driver_. If there is no end joint for the sternum, create one as we'll need it for an ik handle later.

We need some controllers, four in all - COG_ctrl, hips_ctrl, torso_ctrl and gut_ctrl. Make sure you set your rotation orders appropriately. In the case of the hips_ctrl and COG_ctrl, make absolutely sure that it matches the rotation order of the joint driver_COG.
Place COG_ctrl and hips_ctrl so their pivot points are at the position of driver_COG, torso_ctrl at driver_sternum and gut_ctrl mid way between the two.

Group each controller and freeze translate, rotate and scale attributes so that your controls are at zero in this position. Also make sure the rotation orders of the groups match the controller.

Control surface
Create a CV curve (linear curve degree is fine), centre its pivot and snap it to the base of the spine. Duplicate it twice more, snapping one to driver_spine_02 and the other to driver_sternum.

Starting at the base, select each curve in order and create a lofted NURBS surface. This is the underlying structure that we will use to control the joints. Rename it to spineSurface and delete history on the surface - unnecessary history stacks on nodes will impact rig performance. You can delete the curves.

We need to create three clusters to deform the surface. This shows which CVs should be influenced by each cluster:

From the bottom up, call them hips_cluster, gut_cluster and torso_cluster. Parent constrain each cluster to the equivalent controller.

Attaching groups to the surface
We need to create the group structure that follows the surface as it deforms. These groups will eventually drive ikHandles on the joints.
Create a group called spinePos_grp_01 with another group as a child of this called spineUp_grp_01. Duplicate these twice more so you have three pairs of groups.

To connect these to the the surface we will use a pointOnSurfaceInfo node. From Maya documentation:

Compute information associated with a point on a nurbs surface. The point is specified with the input surface (inputSurface) and the parameter value (parameterU and parameterV), either in the surface domain or in the 0-1 domain (if turnOnPercentage is set to true.) The information available is: position, surface normal (normalized to length 1 in normalizedNormal), surface tangents and their normalized counterparts.

So basically, we associate the node with our NURBS surface and give it a U and V value to position it on the surface. We can query the node to give us the position in world-space coordinates of that point on surface, as well as the U and V tangents of the surface at that point. These then drive world space positions of our groups.

The easiest way to create and connect this up is using a small amount of mel script.
// First, create the pointOnSurfaceInfo node:
createNode -n "spine_01_PoSI" pointOnSurfaceInfo;

// Connect the NURBS surface to it:
connectAttr spineSurface.worldSpace spine_01_PoSI.inputSurface;

// Connect the position attribute to the translate attribute of our first group:
connectAttr spine_01_PoSI.position spinePos_grp_01.translate;

// Connect the U tangent attribute to the child of our first group:
connectAttr spine_01_PoSI.tangentU spineUp_grp_01.translate;

Now, if you select spinePosGrp_01 you should see it is connected to the surface at the bottom left, i.e a 0,0 UV value on the surface. The group spineUpGrp_01 should be some way off to the right, and is basically a vector from this point that represents the tangent of the surface in U. To place it where we need, i.e at the base of the spine, set spine_01_PoSI.parameterU to 0.5;

We need to do this for the remaining two pairs of groups, each with its own pointOnSurfaceInfo node. For the second group set spine_02_PoSI.parameterU to 1 and for the third set spine_01_PoSI.parameterU to 2.
Here is a quick capture to demonstrate things so far. I've placed some temporary locators to visualise the position of the groups so you can see what should be happening. The yellow locators are being driven by the position attribute of the pointOnSurfaceInfo node, the red locators by the tangentU attribute. As the surface is deformed the locator positions move around giving us a point and a vector in world space, we will use these positions to drive ikHandles for the spine joints.

ikHandles driven by the surface-attached groups
The joints themselves are controlled by ikHandles. This enables us to use the ikBlend attribute to switch between IK and FK control methods.
Create an ikRP handle from driver_spine_01 to driver_spine_02, driver_spine_02 to driver_sternum and driver_sternum to end_driver_sternum. So, you should have three ik handles in total, each for a single joint.

To drive the ikHandle positions, parent driver_spine_01_ikHandle to spinePosGrp_02, and driver_spine_02_ikHandle to spinePosGrp_03.

Now we use the ..UpGrps to drive the pole vectors. First off, you'll need to take note of the current pole vector of the ikHandle. Often the default pole vector Maya gives you isn't pointing in the direction we want. In this example the default vector is pointing down negative Z, and by setting up a poleVectorConstraint to spineUpGrp_01 which is in posiveX we will effectively be placing a 90 degree rotation on it that we don't want. This is dead easy to fix as you will see in just a sec.

Create a poleVectorConstraint from spineUpGrp_02 to driver_spine_01_ikHandle. You should see the pole vector snap to positive X, giving a rotation of -90 on rY. To fix this just set driver_spine_01_ikHandle.twist to 90 and you'll see the pole vector snap back to its default position. To double check everything is as it should be, make sure the rotation values for driver_spine_01 are at 0,0,0 after creating the poleVectorConstraint.

Parent driver_spine_02_ikHandle to spinePosGrp_03 and poleVectorConstrain driver_spine_02_ikHandle to spineUpGrp_03. Double check your pole vectors as above, making sure that once the constraint is set up you have zero rotation values on driver_spine_02.

Parent driver_sternum_ikHandle to torso_ctrl.

Setting up inter-control constraints
Parent constrain torso_ctrl_grp and hips_ctrl_grp to COG_ctrl.
Parent constrain the joint driver_COG to hips_ctrl.

So, just the constraint for gut_ctrl_grp to set up... The quick way is to parent constrain it to both hips_ctrl and torso_ctrl but I have found this can be extremely unstable causing gut_ctrl_grp to flip. The following method allows us to create a stable parent constraint between two nodes. It consists of three locators that drive the group position and orientation via a point and aim constraint. These three locators are parent constrained to both hips_ctrl and torso_ctrl.

Display local rotation axis for gut_ctrl_grp to help us set up aim constraint correctly.
Create three locators called gut_ctrl_grp_point, gut_ctrl_grp_aimUp and gut_ctrl_grp_aimAt.
Parent snap each locator to gut_ctrl_grp (explanation of custom tool to parent snap). Using the rotation axis of the group, align gut_ctrl_grp_aimUp so that the X axis of the group points towards it. Do the same for gut_ctrl_grp_aimAt in the Y axis. You can see what it should look like below, with the group rotation axis visible and the locators aligned to it ready for setting up the aim constraint:

Point constrain gut_ctrl_grp to gut_ctrl_grp_point. Create an aim constraint from gut_ctrl_grp_aimAt to gut_ctrl_grp with these settings (assuming you've set up your group and locators in the same way):

If you've got your locators positioned correctly and constraint settings entered correctly the group should not change orientation at all when the constraint is created. If it does, check your locator positions and constrain options and try again.

Lastly, parent constraint each locator to both torso_ctrl and hips_ctrl. The gut controller should now follow an intermediate point and orientation between hips and torso but be much more stable that a straight parent constraint between controllers.

At the top of the post is a capture of this spine setup working on a fully rigged character. I'll be covering how to add squash & stretch and also an fk/ik switch in the next post.


  1. Brilliant stuff, Matt. Tested it out and really like it. I'm gonna play with using a variation of this for twisty limb segments. Had a question for you - is there a benefit to using clusters to control the surface cv's rather than a separate set of control joints they could be skinned to? Does that question even make sense? :)


  2. Hey Josh,

    You could just as easily skin the surface to joints to achieve the same effect. Jason Schleifer does pretty much that, though the core of his set up is a spline that is skinned to two control joints rather than a surface.

    There may well be some performance difference between deforming the surface using clusters or skinClusters, but in reality it'll be so trivial as to be hardly worth mentioning.

  3. I'm using this same method of controlling joint chains via surfaces more and more, mainly for deformation systems (pecs, traps etc. really any key muscle area on a character).

    Because I spend all my time producing game assets everything has to eventually result in joints (I can have blend shapes too, but they're expensive).

    With that in mind, using a surface as the basis for controlling a joint chain is really powerful. In addition to deforming the surface using clusters, you can also add other deformers such as blend shapes and lattices to build up really complex deformation, all of which bakes down to a single exportable set of joints.

  4. Thanks for the response man. Yeah, the joint (instead of clusters) setup is working fine. Been workin on a python script for the setup and it's comin along well.

    I hear ya on the joints for games. Been there:) Great stuff here though I easily see what you're saying and how you could easily expand it for other uses.

  5. Hey Matt,
    Loving all the Tuts!
    Got a question, Sorry if I sound like a newb :)

    I'm don understand how to link up the 'new control spine' to the old skinned mesh.
    Figured out that using 'duplicate special' and choosing instance instead of copy in Step 1 works out, but I'm not sure if this fits in with ur philosophy of having separate skeletons for the control rig. It may require a tut of its own but I guess my question is what is your workflow for driving your skinned skeleton with the control rig!
    Thanks again for all the great work!

  6. Hey,

    Essentially you have two separate joint chains that are exactly the same except in name. One set of joints has your mesh skinned to it, 'normal' duplicate these to get the other (driver) set which makes up part of whatever controls systems you are building (in this case the spine). Once you have your control systems set up as above, all you need to do to link the two is point and orient constraint your skinned joints to the equivalent skinned joints.

  7. Hey man, been a while. Thought I'd mention. I took you up on that idea of blendshapes a while back and it worked amazingly for it. I had a bunch of fish, a sting ray and an eel to rig up and I used your method with a wave deformer driven blendshape for the "autoswim" function and it worked swimingly for it. I wrote a bunch of tools for doing some of the workflow as well - if you're interested, I'd be more than happy to share as a thank you.


  8. Yeah this is a blog/picasa problem. I'll be restoring the images over the next day or two.


  9. really really awesome, thanks for the tutorial

  10. I know i am a few years behind, but have you ever tried making it with an extra middle control? :)
